Representative of the
Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry
in Australia and New Zealand

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Greeting of the RF CCI Representative

Office of the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RF CCI) Representative in Australia and New Zealand is situated in Melbourne, Australia. Representative operates in Australia and New Zealand under the Power of Attorney issued by the President of the RF CCI.

The main goal is to establish and promote trade and economic ties between Russian and Australian/New Zealand companies for mutual benefit and sustainable development of both parties.

Representative is authorized to interact with Russian and local organizations in the host countries to promote business contacts.

The basic tasks of the RF CCI Representative are:

  • Establish and develop profitable business relations with Australian and New Zealand Chambers of Commerce and Industry, public and private companies;
  • Unite the efforts of RF CCI and Australian/New Zealand authorities to achieve considerable progress in bringing business circles closer together;
  • Promote business contacts between Russian government organizations, private companies, entrepreneurs and business circles of Australia and New Zealand;
  • Research of legislation, standards and regulations, related to the international economic relations and entrepreneurship in Australia and New Zealand;
  • Marketing and public relations;
  • Organization of exhibition activities and fairs;
  • Assistance in certification of the quality of goods;
  • Protection of industrial and intellectual property;
  • Arbitration;
  • Exchange information on specific needs and interests of the entrepreneurs;
  • Provide information and consultation services to businessmen.

RF CCI Representative - Sergei Volodomanov welcomes you to benefit from a variety of high quality services.